
Tak Kuji
Ecological Cabins

Tak Kuji is an ambitious project in the village of Pichucalco in Chiapas, México.

2 hectares of jungle will be converted to an ecological hotel, but without removing any existing trees.

There is also a size of 1 hectare that will remain completely untouched.


Green Business

The furniture of the Eco-hotel is handcrafted by local manufacturers. The food that will be served in the Eco-hotel comes from local farmers who only use organic and sustainable cultivation techniques.

Using rainwater

The water that will be used in the sinks, toilets and showers is rainwater that will be caught using an acquisition system in the roofs of the cabins. This water will pass by a filtration system to make sure that the water is clean enough to be used on skin.

Hot water system

The water will be heated up using solar energy. In addition, in the kitchen we will install a wood burner to use for cooking but also to heat up water to be used in the kitchen. Only dead wood from the jungle will be used.


A composting system with worms will be used to turn organic leftovers into compost and use it for the growth of plants in the Eco-hotel or the cocoa plantations in the area. Examples of organic leftovers are peels of fruits or vegetables.

Natural swimming pool

We will not install a conventional swimming pool but instead create a natural swimming pool with local plants that will be filled with rainwater, previously filtered to make sure the water is safe and clean.


Ever since we arrived in Pichucalco in 2011 we have been maintaining a reforestation project. We plant trees, plants and herbs native to the Mexican jungle, such as the criollo cocoa, cinnamon, pepper, etcetera. We are reforesting areas that were formerly used as grassland for cattle breeding. Recently a cooperative business has been created to commercialize the products.

Tak Kuji - Eco Hotel

Tak Kuji is an ambitious project in the village of Pichucalco in Chiapas, México.

Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.


Address: Pichucalco, Chiapas, México.

Phone: +52 55 6111 9384
